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Writing your legacy

April 24, 2021, 12:00 AM

Writing your legacy

Brother Jim died on May 10 a while back.  It was indeed a sad and tragic day.  For several years his photograph has hung in a prominent position in the local barbershop as a testament of the love of those who knew him best.

He loved to be a part of the family mealtime and would always echo his version of "Amen" after the blessing was asked.  A few days before his death he just had to go and put his feet in his favorite creek one more time.

Eternity came knocking at his door as he was with the one person who cared for him the most.  His death was caused by congestive heart failure, probably as a result of fast living---eating off the table.

Did I mention Brother Jim was the pet dog of one of my former church members?  His care provider (owner) decided one day that he would name his dog after me.  He never told me why that decision was made.  Some people get roads and bridges and libraries named after them.  I got a dog. 

Every time I would come in for my haircut, style, clip or whatever, stories from the life and times of Brother Jim would fill the room.  His impact was great, and he will not be forgotten.  Neither will you.

You see, we are all writing our legacy each day.  What kid of stories will be told around the water cooler, or tailgate about you?  I know some stories that I wish could be forgotten, as as a few I do not mind sharing.  But stories will be told and you will be discussed.  

Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Our legacy, as believers and church members, needs to be one that we cared about the things that matter for all eternity.  Let us not become silent when a word needs to be shared or a life needs to be touched for God's glory.  

Jim Lagrone